Writing Coaching

For better or worse, writing is how we are heard, hired, and valued.

With many of us working as independent contractors, small business owners, and content creators, it is crucial to have a clear and authentic written voice. For those in writing-heavy industries, it can be difficult to find needed support as editing and administrative positions are eliminated from publications and universities. Writing has never been more important at a time when writers have never been more alone. 

Our philosophy is simple: everyone has a compelling written voice and every writer needs a reader. Chat GPT can fix your grammar and iron out unclear wording, but it cannot draw out the potent ideas lurking in the unclear wording, which is usually where potent ideas lurk! 

Our project retainers have two components: line editing and coaching. We line-edit your drafts asynchronously, commenting on grammar, sentence structure, and overall clarity. In coaching sessions, we work through the comments together and problem-solve the draft to its next step. If you’re stuck, blocked, or feel out of your depth, we can work through that too!