Meet your tutor

Lily Moebes

My name is Lily Moebes. I’m an artist and educator living Brooklyn with a small baby and three cats.

I fell in love with writing when I became a Writing Fellow at Barnard College in 2011. There I learned not to merely correct writing but to partner with writers to help further their ideas. By learning to ask the right questions and offering simple exercises, I was able to help students across disciplines improve their writing and know their own minds.

After college I worked as an educator at community arts organizations, museums, and through graduate school. I’ve edited creative writing, artist statements, business proposals, abstracts, college applications, and more, and found that the same strategies strengthen writing across the board.

Everyone has a voice, but we often lose it through biased messaging about what makes “good writers.” I’m passionate about helping people reclaim that voice. This is not an abstract concept to me, it’s a concrete goal that we can achieve together so that you find success in the written world.